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How PHM is supporting the people of Ukraine

In February 2021, Russia invaded Ukraine and people and governments around the world responded. At PHM, we stand with the people of Ukraine and with those in Russia who oppose their country’s hostility.

For those living in Ukraine the situation is dire, and we know that we need to do more than offer words of support. The medical personnel and volunteers who are on the ground in Ukraine have made repeated calls for supplies to facilitate emergency care. Because of the logistical challenges, the best way to help is to provide financial donations to reputable charities who can efficiently source and transport the needed supplies. In addition to medical supplies, this includes hygiene kits, nutrition and water sanitization supplies.

International Medical Corps, a global first response organization founded in 1984 by our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Robert Simon, has dedicated staff on the ground in Ukraine, working to provide urgently needed emergency relief and medical care for vulnerable people fleeing the fighting. At PHM, we are proud to support the brave humanitarians who are risking their lives to help the people of Ukraine. Our Health Risk Advisory team is meeting with IMC leaders on the ground in Ukraine and surrounding countries to develop a Health Intelligence Brief to share a unique perspective of the most urgent health challenges and most needed support. You will receive a copy if you currently subscribe to the Plus Factor.