Client Story
He presented with acute anemia of unknown etiology, severe exhaustion, and required frequent Injectafer® infusions and PRBCs. Iron deposits were detected in his liver and pancreas during a Fibroscan/MRE. At the time, his treatment included Stelara® infusions every four weeks, marking his sixth treatment regimen. Additionally, the client was expecting his second child and expressed concerns about stabilizing his condition before the baby’s arrival.
PHM Actions
We provided the patient with detailed education on proposed treatment strategies and alternative options, including a discussion on “Escalation vs. Induction.
We facilitated a transfer of care to a top hematologist at Mount Sinai. Safety concerns surrounding frequent iron infusions were addressed with both his hepatologist and endocrinologist, including the risks of transfusion iron overload and hypophosphatemia. Diagnostics, including a retrograde DBE and biopsy, were arranged to confirm the Crohn’s disease etiology. Additionally, we explored alternative explanations for his anemia through collaboration with the hematologist, utilizing the Invitae Panel for Iron Disorders.
The patient’s new treatment regimen included Skyrizi® every eight weeks and Monoferric® as needed. As a result, he achieved clinical success within the necessary timeframe, allowing him to feel confident, comfortable, and energized as he welcomed his new baby boy into their home.
The PHM Difference
“You guys took the extra step and saved me these last three months. You have been beyond helpful.”
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