Client Story

Mitigating Cancer Risk in BRCA Positive Patient 

A woman in thought sits on the ground in front of her couch.


37-year-old internationally-based female with a known hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome reached out to our team after an alarming change in bloodwork results.  

Due to substantial family history of breast and ovarian cancer, the patient had previously undergone a preventative bilateral mastectomy to reduce her breast cancer risk but had not yet made decision regarding reducing her ovarian cancer risk. 

Serial blood testing had demonstrated a rising tumor marker, which can be an indicator of ovarian cancer. Despite this concerning finding, the patient was delaying further evaluation and management. 

PHM Actions

PHM swiftly provided critical education and support on the life-saving benefits of early intervention for ovarian cancer risk, empowering the patient to take decisive action.

PHM identified a top expert surgeon in London and arranged a multi-day visit, including labs, ultrasound, CT scan and consultation with the surgeon. Fortunately, cancer was not identified during her evaluation, but the visit did result in a plan to proceed with surgery to remove ovaries given family history and high risk nature.  

PHM further supported care by creating a consultation question list exploring potential next steps and to clarify best treatment options based on latest lab results and imaging.  

PHM has also identified centers of excellence in the United States that specialize in long term management of BRCA positive patients. The patient is considering this option as well. 


PHM continues to educate and provide guidance for this patient regularly while she awaits surgery.  

This patient’s BRCA mutation significantly elevates the risk of ovarian cancer, up to 44%. Before our engagement, she was avoidant to this concerning possibility.  

70-80% of ovarian cancer patients are stage III or IV at the time of diagnosis, with 5-year survival rates of 65% and 35%, respectively. If caught early, the 5-year survival rate for ovarian cancer can be as high as 95%.  

We are hopeful that no cancer will be found at the time of her upcoming surgery, but even if cancer is present, PHM will continue to guide, and our involvement has already increased her chances of cure.  

The PHM Difference

PHM’s quick intervention enabled timely surgery scheduling, reducing this patient’s ovarian cancer risk, along with the related financial and quality-of-life burdens that can come with an ovarian cancer diagnosis. 

A mother and daughter laugh in nature.

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